Welcome to
European Matchmaking Day
Take the opportunity and get to know new potential business contacts in the automotive sector, expand your customer base and strengthen your supply chain. International cross-border contacts are more important than ever before.
The network of the Saarland automotive industry, automotive.saarland, and the local Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) are organizing this cross-border matchmaking event focusing on bringing together buyers and suppliers of the automotive branch. The event is carried out in cooperation with the German Association for Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME). We are glad about the support of Pôle Automobile Européen (PAE), a cooperation between the automotive clusters of the greater region.
Welcome speech to the automotive.buyer&supplier event and presentation of the automotive sector in Saarland:
30.11.2020 (with BME Buyers)
- 13.15 - 13.30 Welcome
- 13.30 - 15.30 Matchmaking Session 1
- 15.30 - 16.00 Award ceremony PRODPILOT Grand Prix
- 16.00 - 18.00 Matchmaking Session 2
- 9.00- 12.00 - Matchmaking Session 3
- 13.00 - 16.00 - Matchmaking Session 4
Who should attend?
All players from the automotive supply chain:
- OEMs
- Component suppliers
- Raw materials and commodities suppliers
- Service providers
- Research institutes
The event is open for companies from the following areas of activity:
- Material manufacture and processing
- Synthetic, textile and rubber processing
- Stamping technology, pressing technology, tool construction
- Production, CNC, cutting
- System, special machine and device construction
- Software, IT
- Engineering, design, measuring technology, sensors
- New Mobility
In cooperation with

With the support of